Host your own or Join one
of ours
Our One to One guided paint and sip classes simply mean you can come in a pick your project and get lots of help.
When we post a class that is the painting we will be demonstrating that night.
Host your own paint wine night
Bring in your spouse for a couples night, Your child for their birthday, your cousin for a family reunion, your friends for a girls night out, your office for some team building, book a fundraiser! Need we go on? There are so many reasons to have a paint party!
See our private party page for more informationhttps://paintwinestudio.com/private-parties
Join us at our public events where we offer both step by step or One to One Guided Paint and Sip, which means, pick your own project and you will get individual help to produce your masterpiece. And Have a glass of wine to relax.
Public One to One Guided
Which ever you choose, we will be there every step of the way to make sure you have fun!
Be sure to keep informed, sign up for our email.